Nanoconcept 7.0
NanoConcept is an elegantly simple stone look porcelain tile, available with subtle crosshatch and linear patterning which allows for endless combinations in size, color, and pattern.
“Simplicity is the key for true elegance.” – Coco Chanel
Thickness : 1/4
Available Colors:
Antracita, Antracita Rigato, Antracita Incrociato, Beige, Beige Rigato, Beige Incrociato, Black, Black Rigato, Black Incrociato, Grey, Grey Rigato, Grey Incrociato, White, White Rigato, White Incrociato
Available Sizes:
18×36, 36×36, 12×24
Available Finishes:
Slip Resistence:
Indoor, Outdoor, Floors, Walls
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Important Notes:
Nominal Sizes. See PDF for Décor. See PDF for tech & install guides.
Quick Ship:
Domestic Stock, Confirm availability with rep